This instruction m anual is used for tw o m odels.
Model availability and features (functions) m ay differ depending on the country and
sales area.
B60-3340-00 (K, P, Y, T, M, C, X, I) MA CH MC
98/12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 97/12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5
M-A3 0 0 / A1 0 0 (En)
Unpack the unit care fully and make sure that all acce ssorie s are put aside so the y will not be lost. Examine the unit for any possibility of
shipping damage . If your unit is damage d or fails to ope rate , notify your de ale r imme diate ly. If your unit was shippe d to you dire ctly, notify
the shipping company without de lay. Only the consigne e (the pe rson or company re ce iving the unit) can file a claim against the carrie r for
shipping damage . We re comme nd that you re tain the original carton and packing mate rials for use should you transport or ship the unit in the
future .
Ke e p this manual handy future re fe re nce .
Paralle l cord (1)
AC plug adaptor (1)*
* Use to adapt the plug on the power cord
to the shape of the wall outlet.
(Accessory only for regions where use is
Caution : Read the pages marked
carefully to ensure safe operation.
Introduction .................................................................................................... 2
Operating instructions ................................................................................. 7
In case of difficulty ....................................................................................... 7
Specifications ........................................................................................ 8
Before applying power...................................................... 2
Safety precautions ............................................................ 2
Special features ............................................................................................ 3
Controls and indicators ................................................................................ 3
System connections ...................................................................................... 4
Terminal connection ................................................................ 4
Connection of M-A300 ............................................................ 5
Connection of M-A100 ............................................................ 6
Special features
Power amplifier for surround play
This unit is the amplifier designed exclusively for use with the surround speaker, center speaker and subwoofer for the surround system of the
SERIES 21.This unit allows you to enjoy the surround play more effectively.
New TRAITR transistor adopted in the final stage
A new TRAITR transistor which features superior temperature tracking characteristics has been adopted in the final stage of the power
amplifier block. This new TRAITR transistor combines a temperature compensation resistor with an emitter resistor and final transistor to
provide ideal temperature compensation characteristics and minimize distortion caused by temperature variations.
Controls and indicators
POWER indicator
POWER sw itch
System connections
M-A3 0 0 / A1 0 0 (En)
Terminal connection
Speaker unit
Main unit
2 Push lever.
2 Push lever.
1 Strip coating.
1 Strip coating.
4 Return lever.
4 Return lever.
3 Insert cord.
3 Insert cord.
• Never short circuit the + and – speaker cords.
• If the left and right speakers are connected inversely or the speaker cords are connected with reversed polarity, the sound will be unnatural with
ambiguous acoustic imaging. Be sure to connect the speakers correctly.
Connection of parallel cord
• When connecting the parallel cord, insert the plug straight into the
connector until it clicks to lock them securely.
• When disconnecting the parallel cord, push in the two sides of the
plug and pull it straight out.
Ventilation fan
The ventilation fan runs during high-power reproduction. To allow for
proper ventilation, do not block the ventilation fan.
Caution regarding placement
(Except for U.S.A. and Canada)
To maintain proper ventilation, be sure to leave a space around the
unit (from the largest outer dimensions, including projections) equal
to, or greater than shown below:
Left and right panels: 10 cm, Rear panel: 10 cm
AC outlet on the rear panel
The power of the component connected to this kind of AC outlet can
be switched ON/OFF regardless of the POWER switch on the main
1. Connect all cords firmly. Loose connections may prevent proper sound transmission or produce noise.
2. Be sure to remove the power cord from the AC outlet before plugging or unplugging any connection cords. Plugging / unplugging connection
cords without disconnecting the power cord can cause malfunctions and may damage the unit.
3. Do not connect power cords from components whose power consumption is larger than what is indicated on the AC outlet at the rear of this
System connections
M-A3 0 0 / A1 0 0 (En)
Connection of M-A300
Make connections as show n below . When connecting the related system com ponents, refer also to the instruction m anuals
of the related com ponents.
Do not plug in the pow er lead until all connections are com pleted.
AC outlet
Surround speakers
U.S.A., Canada
and China
To AV control
Other countries
To AC w all
Ventilation fan
Center speaker
When using
the speaker
system S-F700
White lined
Subw oofer
Front speakers
Right Left
The shape of the speakers are variable depending on the system and marketing destination type.
System connections
M-A3 0 0 / A1 0 0 (En)
Connection of M-A100
Make connections as show n below . When connecting the related system com ponents, refer also to the instruction m anuals
of the related com ponents.
Do not plug in the pow er lead until all connections are com pleted.
AC outlet
U.S.A., Canada
and China
Pow ered subw oofer
To AV control
Other countries
To AC w all
Ventilation fan
Surround speakers
Right Left
White lined
Front speakers
Right Left
The shape of the speakers are variable depending on the system and marketing destination type.
Operating instructions
M-A3 0 0 / A1 0 0 (En)
1Switch the POWER key to ON position.
Turn on the system by using the AV control
• The power indicator on the panel lights up.
3Play a music source.
In case of difficulty
What appears to be a m alfunction m ay not alw ays be serious. If your unit should not perform as expected, consult the table
below to see if the problem can be corrected before seeking help from your dealer or service representative.
Sym ptom
Rem edy
Sound ca nnot be produce d.
(Indica tor is off.)
• The parallel cord is not connected.
• The speaker cords are short-circuited.
• Connect them properly referring to “System
• Turn the power OFF, remove the short-circuit,
and turn the power ON again.
• The protection circuitry is activated due to • Switch the power OFF and wait for the internal
internal temperature rise.
temperature to drop. The unit can be turned
ON and re-used when the temperature drops,
but the fundamental solution of the problem
is not possible unless the unit installation
(heat radiation) condition is corrected. Im-
prove the unit installation referring to page 4.
Sound ca nnot be produce d.
(Indica tor lights.)
• The speaker cords are not connected.
• One of the speaker cord is not connected.
• A speaker cord is not connected.
• Connect them properly referring to “System
S o u n d is n o t p ro d u ce d fro m o n e o f t h e
spe a ke rs.
• Connect it properly referring to “System con-
Sound from the surround spe a ke r is not
produce d or ve ry low .
• Connect it properly referring to “System con-
Do not use contact cleaners because it could cause a malfunction. Be specially careful against contact cleaners containing oil, for they may deform
the plastic components.
Caution : Read this section carefully to ensure safe operation.
M-A3 0 0 / A1 0 0 (En)
AUDIO section
AUDIO section
Effective output pow er during STEREO operation
[Except for the U.S.A., Canada and the UK]
1kHz,10% T.H.D., at 6 Ω .......................................... 100 W + 100 W
Rated output pow er during STEREO operation
[For the U.S.A. and Canada]
Effective output pow er during STEREO operation
[Except for the U.S.A., Canada and the UK]
1kHz,10% T.H.D., at 6 Ω .......................................... 100 W + 100 W
Rated output pow er during STEREO operation
[For the U.S.A. and Canada]
100 w atts per channel m inim um RMS, both channels driven,
at 6 Ω from 20 Hz to 20 kHz w ith no m ore than 0.09 % total
harm onic distortion.(FTC)
100 w atts per channel m inim um RMS, both channels driven,
at 6 Ω from 40 Hz to 20 kHz w ith no m ore than 0.09 % total
harm onic distortion.(FTC)
[For the UK]
[For the UK]
(DIN) 1 kHz, 0.7% at 6 Ω ......................................... 100 W + 100 W
(IEC) 63 Hz ~ 12.5 kHz, 0.7% at 6 Ω ..................... 100 W + 100 W
[For other countries]
(DIN) 1 kHz, 0.7% at 6 Ω .............................................. 80 W + 80 W
(IEC) 63 Hz ~ 12.5 kHz, 0.7% at 6 Ω .......................... 80 W + 80 W
[For other countries]
1kHz,1% T.H.D.,at 6 Ω .................................................. 80 W + 80 W
Effective output pow er during SURROUND operation
[For the U.S.A., Canada and the UK]
1kHz,1% T.H.D.,at 6 Ω .................................................. 80 W + 80 W
Effective output pow er during SURROUND operation
[For the U.S.A. and Canada]
FRONT (1kHz, 5% T.H.D. at 6 Ω)........................ 100 W + 100 W
CENTER (1kHz, 5% T.H.D. at 6 Ω)..................................... 100 W
SURROUND (1kHz, 5% T.H.D. at 6 Ω) ............... 100 W + 100 W
[For other countries]
FRONT (1kHz, 5% T.H.D. at 6 Ω)........................ 100 W + 100 W
CENTER (1kHz, 5% T.H.D. at 6 Ω)..................................... 100 W
SURROUND (1kHz, 5% T.H.D. at 6 Ω) .............................. 100 W
[For the UK]
FRONT(1kHz, 10% T.H.D. at 6 Ω)....................... 100 W + 100 W
CENTER (1kHz, 10% T.H.D. at 6 Ω)................................... 100 W
SURROUND(1kHz, 10% T.H.D. at 6 Ω) .............. 100 W + 100 W
Rated output pow er during SURROUND operation
[For the U.S.A. and Canada]
FRONT (1kHz, 1% T.H.D. at 6 Ω)............................. 60 W + 60 W
CENTER (1kHz, 1% T.H.D. at 6 Ω)....................................... 60 W
SURROUND (1kHz, 1% T.H.D. at 6 Ω) .................... 60 W + 60 W
[For the UK]
FRONT (1kHz, 5% T.H.D. at 6 Ω)............................. 75 W + 75 W
CENTER (1kHz, 5% T.H.D. at 6 Ω)....................................... 75 W
SURROUND (1kHz, 5% T.H.D. at 6 Ω) ................................ 75 W
[For other countries]
FRONT(1kHz, 10% T.H.D. at 6 Ω)....................... 100 W + 100 W
CENTER (1kHz, 10% T.H.D. at 6 Ω)................................... 100 W
SURROUND(1kHz, 10% T.H.D. at 6 Ω) ............................. 100 W
Rated output pow er during SURROUND operation
[For the U.S.A. and Canada]
FRONT (1kHz, 1% T.H.D. at 6 Ω)............................. 50 W + 50 W
CENTER (1kHz, 1% T.H.D. at 6 Ω)....................................... 50 W
SURROUND (1kHz, 1% T.H.D. at 6 Ω) .................... 50 W + 50 W
[For other countries]
FRONT (1kHz, 1% T.H.D. at 6 Ω)............................. 60 W + 60 W
CENTER (1kHz, 1% T.H.D. at 6 Ω)....................................... 60 W
SURROUND (1kHz, 1% T.H.D. at 3 Ω) .................... 35 W + 35 W
[For the UK]
FRONT (1kHz, 1% T.H.D. at 6 Ω)............................. 55 W + 55 W
CENTER (1kHz, 1% T.H.D. at 6 Ω)....................................... 55 W
SURROUND (1kHz, 1% T.H.D. at 6 Ω) .................... 55 W + 55 W
FRONT (1kHz, 1% T.H.D. at 6 Ω)............................. 45 W + 45 W
CENTER (1kHz, 1% T.H.D. at 6 Ω)....................................... 45 W
SURROUND (1kHz, 1% T.H.D. at 3 Ω) .................... 23 W + 23 W
[For other countries]
Total harm onic distortion ......................... 0.007%(1 kHz, 50W, 6 Ω)
Frequency response
....................................................... 20 Hz ~ 70 kHz, +0 dB, –3 dB
Signal to noise ratio (IHF’66)
FRONT (1kHz, 1% T.H.D. at 6 Ω)............................. 55 W + 55 W
CENTER (1kHz, 1% T.H.D. at 6 Ω)....................................... 55 W
SURROUND (1kHz, 1% T.H.D. at 3 Ω) .................... 30 W + 30 W
Total harm onic distortion
LINE ........................................................................................ 105 dB
Input sensitivity / im pedance
LINE ................................................................................. 1 V / 47 kΩ
[For the UK] ............................................. 0.007%(1 kHz, 40W, 6 Ω)
[For other countries] .............................. 0.007%(1 kHz, 50W, 6 Ω)
Frequency response
....................................................... 20 Hz ~ 70 kHz, +0 dB, –3 dB
Signal to noise ratio (IHF’66)
LINE ........................................................................................ 105 dB
Input sensitivity / im pedance
LINE ................................................................................. 1 V / 47 kΩ
Output level / im pedance
Pow er consum ption
[For the U.S.A. and Canada] ....................................................... 4 A
[Except for the U.S.A. and Canada] ..................................... 330 W
AC outlet
SUBWOOFER PREOUT .............................................. 1.6 V / 2.2 kΩ
[For the U.S.A. and Canada]
UNSWITCHED ................................. 1 (total 200 W, 1.6 A m ax.)
[Except for the U.S.A. and Canada]
UNSWITCHED ............................................ 1 (total 200 W m ax.)
Dim ensions ....................................................... W : 400 m m (15-3/ 4")
H : 140 m m (5-1/ 2")
Pow er consum ption
[For the U.S.A. and Canada] ....................................................... 3 A
[Except for the U.S.A. and Canada] ..................................... 200 W
AC outlet
D : 383 m m (15-1/ 16")
Weight (Net) ............................................................... 10.6 kg (23.4 lb)
[For the U.S.A. and Canada]
UNSWITCHED ................................. 1 (total 200 W, 1.6 A m ax.)
[Except for the U.S.A. and Canada]
1. KENWOOD follows a policy of continuous advancements in
development. Forthis reason specifications maybe changed
without notice.
2. Sufficient performance may not be possible at very low
UNSWITCHED ............................................ 1 (total 200 W m ax.)
Dim ensions ....................................................... W : 400 m m (15-3/ 4")
H : 140 m m (5-1/ 2")
D : 383 m m (15-1/ 16")
Weight (Net) ................................................................. 9.7 kg (21.4 lb)
For your records
Record the serial number, found on the back of the unit, in the spaces
designated on the warranty card, and in the space provided below. Refer
to the model and serial numbers whenever you call upon your dealer for
information or service on this product.
Serial Number
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