Assembly, Installation, and Operating Instructions
NOTE: Check all parts for shipping damages before us-
ing. In case of damage, do NOT use the equipment. Con-
tact the Carrier/ Dealer for further instructions.
1. RemoveLapTray/trayrailsfrompackagedcontainer.
2. Measure the distance (outside to outside) at the
front and rear of armrest pads.
3. Subtract this measurement from the width of the Lap
Tray. Refer to the example.
DO NOT insta ll this e q uip m e nt without first
re a d ing a nd und e rsta nd ing this instruc tion
she e t. If yo u a re una b le to und e rsta nd
the se instruc tio ns, c o nta c t a he a lthc a re
profe ssiona l, de a le r or te c hnic a l pe rsonne l if
a p p lic a b le b e fore a tte m p ting to insta ll this
e quipme nt - othe rwise , injury or da ma ge ma y
oc c ur.
Width of Lap Tray
Armrest Measurement
- 20-inches (minus)
- 4-inches
4. Take the difference between the two (2) measure-
ments and divide by 2.
4-inches = 2
5. Measure the distance from the outside edge of the
Lap Tray toward the inside of the tray rail using the
distance measurement obtained in STEP 4. Perform
this procedure for both sides of the Lap Tray.
The Lap Trays are fully molded and designed to fit most
wheelchairs. Theyfeatureacontinuouslipalongthree(3)
sides to prevent items from sliding off and is designed
without comers or crevices which helps prevent the col-
lection of food and dirt.
6. Position tray rails with the mounting holes that are
closesttotheoutsideofthetrayrailsattherearofthe tray.
The Lap Trays are available in two (2) styles - Clear and
Black. The clear trays are composed of a Thermal Poly-
ester composition that allows surface scratches to be
removedwithaheatgunorhairdryer. TheBlacktraysare
made of ABS Plastic. Both styles are extremely durable.
7. Loosely secure the tray rails to the Lap Tray with the
Difference between the width of the lap tray and
the outside of the armrests divided by two.
The trays are available with or without a torso cutout.
The tray mounts firmly to the wheelchair by sliding onto
the arm rests. The tray will mount on flat padded (SR -
mounting hardware) or tubular (TR - mounting hard
ware) arm rests.
Sling T-nuts
NOTE: These mounting holes/ screws must be posi-
tioned at the rear of the lap tray.
Mounting Screws
Standard Rail
Desk Arm Pad
Sling T-nuts
Tray Rails
Pin Position
mounting holes/
positioned at the
Install Tray
front of the lap
Full Length Arm
Pad Pin Position
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